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Grove Primary School and Nursery

'Bringing out the best in everyone'

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The EYFS at Grove Primary and Nursery School consists of our Nursery Class named Saplings and our Reception Class named Willow.

Our EYFS recognises how children learn as well as what we want them to learn.  We want our children to know more, remember more and be able to do more.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all children can make progress with the right support.


Our EYFS content is planned and sequenced using the 4 Key principles of the EYFS.

A unique child – all children have their own unique starting points. Our curriculum is linked to our unique children and their needs.

Positive relationships – children develop well when interactions with adults are positive, purposeful and personal to the child’s individual needs.

Enabling environment - Our EYFS environment is planned from our knowledge of the children’s interests and learning needs. The environment continually develops and changes over time.

    Learning and development – Our learning and development intentions are planned from Development Matters and our knowledge of our unique children.





Big Ideas


The best for every child – all children have the right to a high quality early education.

High-quality care – Children’s experiences are central to the thinking of our staff.

Curriculum – We plan from the children but are ambitious about their achievement.

Pedagogy – We use Rosenshine’s principles to help our children learn effectivity.

Partnership with parents – parents are engaged through daily conversation, Class Dojo and planned events.

Assessment – formative assessment is used consistently to inform planning and teaching. 

Self-regulation and executive function –we support children to focus their attention, think flexibly and manage their feelings.




Children who may struggle in their early learning are not ‘low ability’. We do not know what their potential might be. Every child can make progress with the right support.  Our aim is to improve outcomes for all children and help close the gap for disadvantaged children.


Staff monitor children’s progress through daily observation as well as through some targeted assessments. Staff act quickly to support pupils to overcome barriers and to make the best progress they can.

Adults scaffold children’s learning through carefully planned sequencing and next steps for key areas of our curriculum.
